Supporting Christmas Tree Farms in New York

    Members of our team at Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County were recently featured in the Good Housekeeping article "Which Is Better: A Real or Fake Christmas Tree? What to Know Before You Buy." Mary Lou Carolan, Executive Director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County, talks about the benefits of buying real trees! "Choosing real trees from a local farm supports our local economy as well and positively impacts our environment." "These trees emit oxygen during the growing seasons. This season, depending on where you go, these farms offer shoppers holiday experiences such as wagon rides, gift shops, baked goods and treats as well as help with finding, cutting and binding your tree. Once the season is over, many municipalities will use these trees for mulch and beautification projects.”

    Christmas trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere as they grow and use 10X less resources than artificial trees.

    This year, Todd Hill is proud to have our tree grown by Abel's Christmas Tree Farm located in Verbank, NY. While Abel's is closed for the season, you can visit them next year to pick out your own Christmas tree  Purchasing local Christmas tree farms helps support the local economy and gives back to small businesses. Additionally, small Christmas tree farms grow trees sustainably, meaning when one tree is cut another tree (or 2!) get planted. 

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